Martha Jane HaytonAge: 44 years1856–1901
- Name
- Martha Jane Hayton
- Given names
- Martha Jane
- Surname
- Hayton
Christening | 22 October 1856 |
Death of a mother | Mary Cowen 29 July 1881 (Age 24 years) |
Death of a father | Thomas Hayton 1898 (Age 41 years) |
Birth registration reference | Wigton 3Q 1856 volume 10b page 414 |
Death registration reference | Wigton 2Q 1901 volume 10b page 362 |
Death | 1901 (Age 44 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Thomas Hayton Christening: 17 September 1820 26 24 — Westward, Cumberland Death: 1898 |
mother |
Mary Cowen Birth: about 1818 Death: 29 July 1881 — Gerrard House, Westward, Cumberland |
Marriage: 21 June 1854 — Chapel Of Lorton, Brigham, Cumberland |
2 years herself |
Martha Jane Hayton Christening: 22 October 1856 36 38 — Westward, Cumberland Death: 1901 |
Shared note | Entry in Bulmer's Directory of Cumberland in 1901 at Grainger House, Stoneraise Quarter [Westward] |