Genealogy from [haytontree]

Alice Goodchild1764

Alice Goodchild
Given names
Christening 10 January 1764
Burial of a motherSarah Turner
13 May 1765 (Age 16 months)
Burial of a fatherThomas Goodchild
8 February 1790 (Age 26 years)
Death of a brotherJohn Goodchild
9 September 1811 (Age 47 years)

Burial of a brotherJohn Goodchild
10 September 1811 (Age 47 years)
Burial of a brotherThomas Goodchild
4 February 1815 (Age 51 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: 24 April 1747Hundon, Suffolk
6 months
elder brother
14 months
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
Richard Goodchild
Christening: 20 January 1751 35Stradishall, Suffolk
Burial: 5 February 1751Stradishall, Suffolk
14 months
elder brother
Richard Goodchild
Christening: 22 March 1752 36Stradishall, Suffolk
Burial: 18 December 1752Stradishall, Suffolk
19 months
elder brother
William Goodchild
Christening: 5 November 1753 38Stradishall, Suffolk
Burial: 16 November 1760Stradishall, Suffolk
2 years
elder sister
22 months
elder brother
22 months
elder sister
Mary Goodchild
Christening: 16 October 1759 44Stradishall, Suffolk
Burial: 18 July 1760Stradishall, Suffolk
22 months
elder sister
Betsy Goodchild
Christening: 5 August 1761 46Stradishall, Suffolk
Burial: 29 April 1762Stradishall, Suffolk
2 years
elder sister
5 months