Mary HaytonAge: 23 years1789–1813
- Name
- Mary Hayton
- Given names
- Mary
- Surname
- Hayton
Birth | 3 December 1789 33 29 |
Christening | 11 January 1790 (Age 39 days) |
Birth of a brother | Jonathan Hayton 27 December 1791 (Age 2 years) |
Christening of a brother | Jonathan Hayton 8 January 1792 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | Edmund Hayton 5 February 1794 (Age 4 years) |
Christening of a brother | Edmund Hayton 17 July 1794 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a sister | Agnes Hayton 27 October 1796 (Age 6 years) |
Christening of a sister | Agnes Hayton 25 November 1796 (Age 6 years) |
Birth of a brother | Thomas Hayton 11 January 1799 (Age 9 years) |
Christening of a brother | Thomas Hayton 12 January 1799 (Age 9 years) |
Burial of a brother | Thomas Hayton 13 January 1799 (Age 9 years) |
Birth of a brother | George Hayton 30 November 1799 (Age 9 years) |
Christening of a brother | George Hayton 29 December 1799 (Age 10 years) |
Birth of a brother | Joseph Hayton 21 September 1802 (Age 12 years) |
Christening of a brother | Joseph Hayton 10 October 1802 (Age 12 years) |
Birth of a sister | Emma Hayton 14 March 1805 (Age 15 years) |
Christening of a sister | Emma Hayton 26 May 1805 (Age 15 years) |
Burial of a paternal grandfather | John Hayton 25 February 1808 (Age 18 years) |
Burial of a brother | Jonathan Hayton 1 June 1810 (Age 20 years) |
Burial | 17 August 1813 (Age 23 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
John Hayton Christening: 1 August 1756 18 25 — Orton, Westmorland Burial: 8 January 1828 — Bolton Le Sands, Lancashire |
mother |
Emma Slee Birth: 1760 Burial: 21 December 1836 — Bolton Le Sands, Lancashire |
Marriage: 2 February 1789 — Sedbergh, North Yorkshire |
10 months herself |
Mary Hayton Birth: 3 December 1789 33 29 Burial: 17 August 1813 — Bolton Le Sands, Lancashire |
2 years younger brother |
Jonathan Hayton Birth: 27 December 1791 35 31 Burial: 1 June 1810 — Bolton Le Sands, Lancashire |
2 years younger brother |
Edmund Hayton Birth: 5 February 1794 37 34 Death: |
3 years younger sister |
Agnes Hayton Birth: 27 October 1796 40 36 Death: |
2 years younger brother |
Thomas Hayton Birth: 11 January 1799 42 39 Burial: 13 January 1799 — Sedbergh, North Yorkshire |
11 months younger brother |
George Hayton Birth: 30 November 1799 43 39 Death: |
3 years younger brother |
Joseph Hayton Birth: 21 September 1802 46 42 Death: before 1861 |
3 years younger sister |
Emma Hayton Birth: 14 March 1805 48 45 Death: |
Father’s family with Ann (Nancy) Corney |
father |
John Hayton Christening: 1 August 1756 18 25 — Orton, Westmorland Burial: 8 January 1828 — Bolton Le Sands, Lancashire |
step-mother |
Ann (Nancy) Corney Birth: 1755 Burial: 29 July 1785 — Sedbergh, North Yorkshire |
Marriage: 26 May 1781 — Sedbergh, North Yorkshire |
20 months half-brother |
John Hayton Birth: 3 February 1783 26 28 Death: |
1 year half-brother |
Richard Hayton Birth: 30 January 1784 27 29 Death: |