Mary GoodchildAge: 76 years1910–1986
- Name
- Mary Goodchild
- Given names
- Mary
- Surname
- Goodchild
Birth | about 1910 32 31 |
Birth of a sister | Margaret Goodchild September 14, 1914 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Frederick James F. Grout 1935 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a father | Ernest Goodchild December 27, 1946 (Age 36 years) |
Death | 1986 (Age 76 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Ernest Goodchild Birth: April 16, 1877 38 37 — Old Kent Road, London Death: December 27, 1946 — Cricklewood, Middlesex |
mother |
Daisy Grout Birth: 1879 26 25 — Hounslow, Middlesex Death: |
Marriage: March 20, 1907 — Hormston, Middlesex |
21 months elder brother |
Edward Ernest Goodchild Birth: 1908 30 29 — Heston, Middlesex Death: |
3 years herself |
Mary Goodchild Birth: about 1910 32 31 — Heston, Middlesex Death: 1986 |
5 years younger sister |
Margaret Goodchild Birth: September 14, 1914 37 35 Death: April 6, 2006 — Hinckley, Leicestershire |
Family with Jack E. May |
husband |
Jack E. May Birth: 1913 Death: July 2, 2009 — Polegate, Sussex |
herself |
Mary Goodchild Birth: about 1910 32 31 — Heston, Middlesex Death: 1986 |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |