Mabel ChapmanAge: 52 years1875–1927
- Name
- Mabel Chapman
- Given names
- Mabel
- Surname
- Chapman
Birth | about 1875 |
Marriage | John Goodchild — View this family 1897 (Age 22 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Lillian Maude Goodchild 1898 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | John William Goodchild 1905 (Age 30 years) |
Death registration reference | 4Q 1927 Croydon volume 2a page 431 |
Death | 1927 (Age 52 years) |
Family with John Goodchild |
husband |
John Goodchild Birth: November 2, 1866 28 26 — Old Kent Road, London Death: 1939 — Croydon, Surrey |
herself |
Mabel Chapman Birth: about 1875 — Kingston, Surrey Death: 1927 — Croydon, Surrey |
Marriage: 1897 — |
2 years daughter |
Lillian Maude Goodchild Birth: 1898 31 23 — Lewisham, Surrey Death: 1951 — Croydon, Surrey |
8 years son |
John William Goodchild Birth: 1905 38 30 — Lewisham, Surrey Death: 1944 — Killed In Action In Italy |